The Key to getting Anything done
My first year garden was exciting. I grew corn, pumpkins, zucchini,
beets, radishes, tomatoes, bell peppers, egg plant, carrots, lettuce,
jalapenos and cucumbers. Not all of the plants grew, not all the plants
flowered and grew food. But it was an awesome experience that I've
learned so much from and I'm glad I made that first step.
I like to plan, but the problem with my liking to plan is sometimes I
spend so much time planning and so much time not starting. I'll even
talk myself out of doing something because I don't actually start. This
year's garden is an awesome reminder of the key to getting anything
The key to getting anything done is to start doing something. It doesn't
matter what goal you want to work toward if you don't take the first
step toward what you want to do. You are never going to get it done.
Thinking is a start, but don't let it stop you. It can trap you in a
vicious circle and your brain is good at causing failure by never
trying. If all you are doing is thinking about it you will never get to
where you want to be.
Make your next step be a physical action step. We are human beings we
move around and have the ability to dig in the dirt, run around and fly
up in the sky. We are creators and destroyers both of which require us
to do something to be who we are. What action will you take next to
start something you've already wanted to do?
November 11, 2016 03:30 PM